• Little things that change us.

I think about how I felt the day I left for Argentina. I was scared and nervous and not even sure if it was the right decision to go. This feeling of unsureness is always present before I travel. Now that I have been here for 2 weeks, I can already see this journey changing my life forever. 

First of all, who knew you could connect with people so quickly? I am so close with the group I have been put with it. It is as if they are all my siblings, we take care of each other, tease each other and we know how to have a hell of a good time. 

I love the moments where people share things about themselves or their life that makes them be vulnerable. It is in these moments that we truly connect as human beings. It is the point where we scratch beyond the surface of the daily "how are you?" etc... It's these moments that I recognize how important my relationships are that surround me.

The people here are so warm and welcoming. It restores my faith in humanity as far as I can't believe how I have welcomed into this country. I always look forward to going home, going to class, meeting for coffee. I know every time I have an interaction with an Argentine that I will leave with a warm feeling and a smile on my face. These interactions makes me want to explore more of this world so that I can understanding with a wide range of people who have so much to contribute to my life.

The thing about travel is you take little pieces of your journey, and they become part of you.
Now that I have spent time in Argentina,

1. I like beer. This is very strange as I have always contested one of the most standard drinks in modern society. Now in a new situation I have given it another go, and I don't hate it. This is progress.

2. I drink tea. Also another thing to drink, tea is a common staple here as people usually drink tea in the morning, afternoon and before bed. I now crave tea and can't wait to buy a tea kettle when I get home.

3. I love meat. The past two years my taste for meat has been ever decreasing. I didn't enjoy eating it, I never bought it and I would only eat it if it was served to me. Now that I have tried some of the best beef here in Argentina, I am a changed woman.

4. I watch fĂștbol. I have never been a fan of the sport, but now I can understand that here, fĂștbol isn't just a sport, it defines you here. Your team is your identity in a lot of ways, and being surrounded by the passion for the sport has made me realize what a special sport it is. 

5. I have rekindled my love for language. People not only speak Spanish here, but they also speak a special version- Spanish of the Rio de la Plata. Combine the local dialect with slang I am learning from people my age, and not only am I speaking Spanish, I am speaking a whole different version. And guess what? I love it.

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