• On my way!

Hello all,            

I am so excited for my new blog and my new adventure in Argentina this summer. First off, before I tell you anything about my first leg of the journey, I would like to thank AHA international for giving me a scholarship to blog about my experience abroad! I am so grateful.

 As far as preparation, I didn’t begin packing until 12 hours before leaving. I didn’t want to stress over something as simple as what clothes to bring so I avoided it until the last minute.  

One thing I did do in preparation for my long trip away from home was I asked friends and family to write me letters to open while I am in Argentina. I tend to get homesick sometimes, especially within the first few days so I know that the words of my loved ones will be comforting to read.  

My journey began yesterday at the Portland airport, but before leaving Portland, I had to say goodbye to my boyfriend Will. I am so excited about Argentina, however it is so difficult to leave the one you love for a long period of time. After traveling around Costa Rica together last summer we learned that we travel together very well and that we are both up for adventure anytime and anywhere. Knowing this now I just want to take him with me. The separation from him will be hard but I know it will make us stronger and I can’t wait to come home to his arms

I spent the night in Houston at a hotel and that was the way to go. I have done 24-hour layovers in an airport before and I will never do that again! It was so nice to sleep in a bed and take a nice hot shower before the long flight tonight (10 hours). I spent the afternoon laying by the pool and catching up on emails and such before I head to the airport.It is so exciting to think that my next post will be from Argentina! Hasta pronto.  

Laying by the pool in Houston


  1. Em! I miss you! but I know you're going to have such a great time this summer, and I can't wait to hear all the stories when you get back! Love and AOT, Laura

  2. Love you pref baby!! I cant wait to read about all your adventures. :) AOT Hallie

  3. What's your address? I would LOVE to write you some long letters while you're in Argentina, I can't wait to keep up with this blog over the summer!
    So much love and AOT, Joanie
